Table Mountain Cable Car

The Table Mountain Cableway is a popular attraction in Cape Town, South Africa that provides visitors with a unique and spectacular view of the city from the top of Table Mountain. The Cableway features a rotating cable car that takes visitors from the lower station at Tafelberg Road to the upper station at the summit of Table Mountain, a distance of approximately 1,200 meters.

The cable car is made up of two compartments that can carry up to 65 passengers each. The floor of the cable car rotates 360 degrees, ensuring that all passengers have a panoramic view of the stunning scenery as they ascend or descend the mountain. The cable car operates every day, weather permitting, and takes approximately five minutes to reach the top.

The Table Mountain Cableway is a popular attraction for tourists visiting Cape Town and is known for its spectacular views of the city, the ocean, and the surrounding landscape. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, restaurants, and souvenir shops at the top of the mountain, as well as breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding area.

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