
Endemic refers to a species of plant or animal that is unique and exclusive to a particular geographic region or area. Endemic species are typically found only in a specific geographic location and are not found anywhere else in the world.

This can occur for several reasons, including geological, climatic, and ecological factors that create a unique environment that is suitable for the survival and proliferation of a particular species. Isolation from other regions can also lead to the development of unique genetic traits and adaptations in the species that allow it to thrive in the specific environment.

Endemic species are often considered to be of high conservation value, as they represent a unique part of a region’s biodiversity and ecosystem. They may be threatened by habitat loss, climate change, or other environmental factors, which can result in population decline or even extinction.

Examples of endemic species include the Galapagos giant tortoise, which is found only in the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador, and the mountain pygmy possum, which is found only in the alpine regions of southeastern Australia.

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